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Saba Qamar’s Brother Passes Away

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Actress Saba Qamar’s brother passed away on Tuesday and the actress shared this news through her social media post

Pakistan’s famous actress Saba Qamar is known for her acting versatility. She has worked in many dramas and movies, including a Bollywood movie ‘Hindi Medium’.

Recently on Tuesday, Saba Qamar shared the heart-breaking news of her brother passing away.

She posted on her social media platforms; twitter and Instagram stating, ‘Inna Lillahe wa Inna elaihi Rajioon’, with another caption stating ‘Munna’.

He was her elder brother. Saba Qamar’s close friend and manager Meeshal Cheema confirmed this heart-breaking news saying, “this is very unfortunate and extremely shocking for me to announce that Saba’s brother has died today in the morning so everyone pls take a moment and pray for the departed soul.”

She also added, “May Allah (SWT) grant him higher ranks in Jannah and give him family sabar to go through this loss. Ameen.”

Many fans and celebrities from the industry showed their support for Saba Qamar in this tough time and sent her condolences.

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