ISLAMABAD: This year’s military parade was not only an exhibit of military might but paid homage to those who lost their lives for Pakistan.
The military parade was held in the country’s capital to commemorate Pakistan Day at Shakarparian parade ground on Thursday.
The parade was rescheduled to March 25 due to inclement weather and rain forecast.
The ceremony was precisely administered as per health protocols. The military delegations and all those who attended of the parade were kept in a special bio bubble. They were also restricted to move in and out of parade ground.
Face masks were distributed to all those who watched the parade. Temperature guns were used to test symptoms. Hand sanitisers were also given at the entrance. Social distancing was also maintained.
The delegations of the three armed forces and other security armies administered a march past whilst fighter jets demonstrated aerobatic manoeuvres.
This year’s Parade was more than a showcase of military might, it was also to highlight the Pakistan movement and paid homage to all ones who battled til the last great and sacrificed for the creation of Pakistan.